Monday 16 January 2012


I still tremble at the thought of turning old. I think that'S one of my insecurity is that I still haven’t achieved what I desired to achieve at this age. From the age of eighteen, twenty one was my desired age for many reasons. The first was because of my sisters, they consistently made it “cool” to be that age. They are always immature, humorous, spontaneous and full of life. Sometimes looking back at the good times I can still hear a faint echo of laughter in the distance. Someone once said don’t be sadden because it’s over, smile because it happened. We can’t relive moment twice with the same adrenalin and laughter, what we can do is make new memories.  The second reason was because..aah well that was it.
I think last year hasn’t been the most productive but it certainly has been exploratory, entertaining and full of laughter. I believe that immaturity is a vital skill needed to survive no matter the circumstances, and we all need a clown in our lives even if it means stepping up to the job yourself. I would like to believe that a gained some wisdom this year as I’ll try my best to create more laughter and escapades.

One of my regrets is not taking enough photographs and capturing memories; but how can you live in the moment whilst trying to capture them. One birthday resolutions I wish to make is to repeat the following line “this wasn’t suppose to hap-pen!” occasionally when plans don’t go according to plan. To get what my resolution means you would need to get my sense of humour. Now I’m assuming that the people who read my blog get my sense of humour. So here the link! (2.22) oh damn the line is “it just hap-pen-ed”

I know you hear old people say the following line but age IS just a number, believe it or not I still think I’m eighteen. :O Anyhow I can’t wait to:
  • Dig in to my cupcakes courtesy of -hunnai           
  • Read my Alan Sugar book “the way I see it” courtesy of- D.Swiss                                                     
  • Inevitable laughter courtesy of –Khanni, Sunny and rrrr...lets call it Fitzy & Co.

        MUCH LOVE X


  1. Thanks for reading, i'll look forward to reading your blogs in the near future. Take care.:)
